Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well the day finally came where we had to take one of our kids to the ER. Who better than Lily because she seems to be made of steel....
We were entertaining friends and Lil was showing off her Trapeze bar moves. For the first time ever (2 years worth of trapezing) she fell off and landed right on her chin, wham her chin split open and blood was everywhere! I was freaking out and running all around the house like an idiot because I don't handle extreme situations very well, and Lily was more concerned with what went wrong with her Trapeze move. I rushed her to the ER and we waited patiently until the Dr. could see us. Now here is why she is made of steel: she didn't cry, she didn't wince, she didn't even cower when the Dr. pulled out an 8 inch needle and had to inject her chin with a numbing solution. She took it like a man and endured at least 8 stitches. She was rewarded with a red Popsicle that she didn't have to share with anybody, which seemed to make her the happiest girl in the world.


Nellie said...

hold balls! what a girl!!!! turner would have cried for days and then told me in incredible detail, every day for the rest of his life, what happened. LIL ROCKS!

Jen said...

3 of my kids have that scar! she looks like a trooper though!